Crazy Caruso's do Chicago!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Reasons to get married

A Friend emailed me so reasons that people get married:

No one will ever ask you again—so, why aren’t you married yet?

You can bring into this world your future wheelchair pushers.

You no longer have to be the target audience of pet products commercials; you can join a whole new demographic group.

No one will ever try to set you up again with their awkward niece/nephew.

Your parents will only have one thing left to complain about—when are we getting some grandkids?

(10.) A marriage license is a fast track to higher limits on your credit cards.
(9.) The Bride thinks that the Groom has a "cooler" last name than she has.
(8.) You want a free bottle of cheap champagne the next time you register at a hotel.
(7.) It's the only way your boss will give you time off at work.
(6.) You want to receive lots of mail from wedding vendors.
(5.) You've won a free hour of limousine service and can't think of a better way of using it.
(4.) Grandma needs a vacation, and she only leaves her house for weddings and funerals.
Weddings are a whole lot more fun.
(3.) The Bride is tired of being laughed at wearing goofy Bridesmaid's dresses at friend's weddings,
and has decided that it's now "payback time!".
(2.) Elizabeth Taylor, Zsa Zsa Gabor, and Mickey Rooney have been married eight times each.
You have a lot of catching up to do.
(1.) Lots of free presents!

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