Crazy Caruso's do Chicago!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I love to eat my words

Picture it:

Me on the floor scrubbing my bath tub, while balancing my phone between my shoulder and ear talking to my mom. Here's how the conversation went.

Laura: Did I tell you Forrest is staying with us this weekend?

Jane: I think you've mentioned it a time or two.

L: I'm cleaning the bath tub. Not that he'll notice, or even really care. Still, I feel like it has to get done!

J: quoting a sassy teenage Laura "I don't know why you are even bothering! It isn't like my friends will notice or even care! What, do you think? That my friends are bringing their white gloves to test the cleanliness of the house?"

L: Why do I have to eat my words every day? You are enjoying this far too much mom! I'm getting off the phone so I can scrub with both hands!

J: Have fun with that!