Crazy Caruso's do Chicago!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Good to be back to normal!

Ahh! It is so wonderful to be back to normal! Michael is home, I'm not acting so paranoid/crazy, life is good!

Friday night I picked him up late. The Indianapolis airport does have a really neat feature. They have a cell phone lot, where you can park without paying anything and wait for your phone to ring. I picked Michael up right around 11:00pm, and we made the trip home. We stayed up until 2am catching up.

Saturday morning was Christmas morning! Santa brought us lots of neat things. Michael surprised me with a beautiful necklace. I had been eying necklaces with keys on them, and he got me one that was far prettier than any I had seen, and it does take a lot to surprise me, which made it even more special!

Me holding my necklace!

Michael opening presents!

Christmas morning!!!!

We lounged around the house all day, and for dinner we made calzones with my Christmas Cheese! Fontina cheese will now be a staple for our calzone making! I took down Christmas decorations that I have been longing to take down for a few weeks, while saying bah humbug the whole time.

Today, Sunday we spent the day shopping for Maria's baby shower next week. I wanted Michael to get to be a big part of the shopping since it will be his first nephew (from his own sister). We got some cute things for little Cletus, which if I haven't mentioned it is a boy, and no his name isn't really going to be Cletus. It just rhymes really well with fetus.

1 comment:

Hers and His said...

Glad things are back to normal for you! And Good Job Michael---cute necklace!