Crazy Caruso's do Chicago!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lessons learned

Michael and I have been married for nearly a year now and over the course of this last year I have learned some important lessons... (Don't worry you will get a detailed post about our anniversary, whatever we end up doing.)

1. Toilet paper does not automatically replenish itself like it did at Mom's house, someone actually has to go out and buy it.

2. Coupons are a girl's best friend.

3. I finally understand the importance of making the bed every morning, and get quite agitated when it isn't made, and mom thought I'd never learn.

4. Who knew running the A/C (we have a wall unit) could possibly cost so much money.

5. Icemakers, automatic coffee machines, and dishwashers are luxury items.

6. Men aren't very good at remembering to put fabric softener in the wash. "Michael, why are my clothes so rough?"

7. You really cannot force your husband to eat cheese pizza for every meal, they tend to find it a little inhumane.

8. Planting Forget me not flower seeds behind your apartment building, and then actually forgetting about them, doesn't produce flowers, it also doesn't help if you don't plant them deep enough and chimpmunks eat them...

9. A clean house lasts for about 25 minutes.

10. When baking something that requires butter it is always prudent to double check that you got all of the wax paper wrapping off of the stick before, say baking the entire batch of brownies only to bite into the first one and get a big bite of wax paper, yum.

11. Speaking of baking, one should always make sure she has all of the required ingredients before beginning the process. It is hard to make molasses cookies without molasses, or bread without flour.

12. In a one bedroom apartment alone time is golden.

13. Stray cats do not liked to be chased by strangers, nor do they enjoy the words KITTY! being yelled at the.

14. Guys do not understand frilly decorations, or decorations that aren't "useful," but hopefully he will soon stop trying to.

15. U-Scans at grocery stores might be the reason for increased divorce rates. We seriously cannot go through a U-Scan without arguing. We have taken to going through a normal line even if it is long for the sake of our marriage.

16. Everything that Mom made me do at home that I thought was stupid, and she was just trying to give me a hard time about, actually has a purpose. Who knew?


17. On Augest 2nd of last year I was in love with Michael, and everyone said just wait until you've been married awhile. Well everyone was right, I couldn't imagine loving anyone more a year ago, but now I feel like we have grown, we operate as a team, and the love I had for Michael last year is NOTHING compared to the love that I feel for him now.


The Tibbs World said...

#5...I don't know how I lived during the first four years of our marriage with out a dishwasher!

#6...At least you husband does laundry! :)

#9...Once you have kids it doesn't even last that long!


#17...It just keeps getting better!

Happy Anniversary, just a little early.


Hers and His said...

You literally have me rolling. Seriously ... I'm rolling on the ground. I can relate to so many of these!

#1. I knew I had to purchase toilet paper, but who would have thought you actually have to put it on the roll or you'd run out!?

#8. Hilarious.

#9. It's amazing how I go to bed with the house clean and by morning it looks like a tornado came through our house.

#10. Been there, done that. yuck.

#15. I thought this one was the funniest because it hit closest to home for me. I HATE U-Scans! When Chris and I were dating we would always go through the U-Scan ... by Chris' choice. He was always scanning away, enjoying the "beep beep beep" and I was at the other end gathering the food that was coming at me at 100 mph, bagging the groceries, and putting them in the cart. Keep in mind, we were shopping for a weeks worth of food. Finally I reached my breaking point and told him my true feelings about U-Scans. He couldn't believe I didn't like them ... how could I not, right? ha! What's not to like about a machine saying "Place the item in the bag" over and over after you've already placed it in the bag! grrr....

#17. I totally agree. Everyone said the same thing to us and it drove me crazy. I couldn't love Chris any more than I do now. :)

Sulayne said...

These are hilarious! I love your sense of humor!!!