Crazy Caruso's do Chicago!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Nothing short of amazing!

Michael has been diligently searching for a job since somewhere around March/April. We thought he had something locked down in Indianapolis, but when we still hacn't heard anything by mid may we started to get worried. The guy finally answered Michael's call only to tell us that he didn't have anything for Michael.

Between then and now he has applied everywhere, but the places that previously had something had already hired people. There was one place about 15 minutes down the road that we really thought he might have a chance at, but they ended up not hiring anyone. Talk about discouraging. We had a a hard week.

Then, last week Michael agreed to sub a day of delivering papers for a man from our church. He only made $20, but it was something. On tuesday of that week, a day after Michael delivered papers we got Michael's financial aid statement. This was the first year that he has not been claimed by his parents. We received nearly double the amount of what he will need for school. We were thrilled. Especially when we found out that everything over the amount for his school they direct deposit into our checking account! What's even better is that amount is almost exactly what we needed for Michael to make this summer for us to be able to live somewhat comfortably.

God is good!


Hers and His said...

That is awesome! I'm so happy for you guys :)

The Tibbs World said...

He sure knows what you need and when you need it the most.