Crazy Caruso's do Chicago!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

date day? This week's activities :-)

My mom and dad came up for a fabulous weekend visit! It was so great to see them. We had a big dinner prepared for them on Saturday night, and then on Sunday we went to IHOP with them! After that the four of us went to the mall for a bit. We went to Sears so I could show my mom the winter coat that I wanted. My coats are not warm enough for West Lafayette winters! So then I showed my mom this fall jacket that I loved, but wasn't quite sure about. She bought it for me! It is so adorable! It was a great visit! I love my mom and dad so much! My mom (second to Michael) is truly the best friend I have ever had! She gets me more than anyone else!

On monday Michael came home from classes, which he finishes at 11:20 on Monday. I suggested that we go to a movie, and we did. It felt so outrageous to be at a movie at 2Pm on monday! But it was great, and a little spontaneous for us. The movie we saw was called Ghost Town. It was really really good!

I went back to the mall to actually purchase my winter coat on Tuesday. I got the coat, and got a good deal on it! When I got home Michael and I hung out for awhile, but he had to go back to class at 5PM (YUCK!).

My friend Alicia was up for the day because her boyfriend got a new puppy! So I went to meet the puppy! Adorable! I really miss having a pet, so the puppy was a treat for me.

Wednesday I did some grocery shopping, and went to the library to get some new books. Then I picked Michael up and we came home and made dinner for our friend Forrest!

I did accomplish a new baking feat. I made brownies and whipped cream from scratch! Who knew I could cook!

Today I have a hair appointment at a salon up here, that I have never been to! I am not planning on doing anything drastic, but if I do change the style, I will post a picture

1 comment:

Hers and His said...

Way to go on the homemade whipped cream! I totally knew you could cook ;)

Good luck at the hair appointment!