Crazy Caruso's do Chicago!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

An interesting article

For anyone that knows me, or has ever had dinner with me, you know that I am a picky eater. I eat a very small number of foods. People have often said, "Just try things, you'll like them." That never really worked out so well for me. You see, if I put a food item in my mouth that I don't like there is no just forcing it down. It comes right back out in a most unpleasant manner.

Anyway, my mother-in-law, Debbie showed me this article about people that eat almost exactly like me to a "T". You can read that article here. While I am not ready to jump on the bandwagon just yet, I am relieved to know that there are others out there like me. I am not just super weird! It does give me hope that one day there may be a treatment, or means of help for picky people like me!

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