Every time we come into town we are asked lots of questions about where we live and what we are up to. I thought I'd take a little time to share the answers to some of those things on here:
How many years does Michael have left in school?
2 semesters! This and next!
How far away do we live from campus?
We are right at 1 mile from Purdue's campus.
Do we like it here?
Yes and no. We have both made friends, but we are more than ready to move on!
What do we like to do when we have free time?
We love feeding the horses carrots, biking, walking around campus, and going to the mall.
What does the mysterious Michael do in his free time?
Mostly he does homework, or housework. He loves twittering (not the website) with his car, talking on his ham radio, and maintaining/breaking beyond all repair, my computer.
Who cooks?
Mostly Michael. I like baking. I am not good with meat or normal foods because I don't really like much, and therefore have no idea whether it is good or bad.
When do we want to have kids?
do want children! We just want to both finish school before we have kiddos. It might be awhile...
What is Michael studying, I know I've asked you this before...
Building Construction Management aka, he wants to build things, possibly roads, layout work, or even water treatment.
What types of things do you have for dinner?
I mostly have pizza, but then who didn't know that? We have lots of broiled things from steak to pork and chicken. Michael makes a fantastic Hunan Chicken dish that I really like. I have nearly mastered the art of making alfredo sauce. We are quesadilla experts. Michael is the KING of pancakes.
Anything else you wanna know? Post it as a comment and I will try to get it answered on here.