Crazy Caruso's do Chicago!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Calling all liberals...

I have expressed my opinion on facebook. My status has stated that I don't believe in abortion. And that I was a McCain supporter. I have had a ton of liberals sending me messages, calling me ignorant, and attempting to twist bible verses so that abortion doesn't seem wrong. I am sure that the majority of the people reading this agree with me on many of these points, I know at least some do.

I understand that people are entitled to their opinions, but when they start attacking my opinion that when it gets ridiculous. I know very well that if you state your opinion you had better expect to meet some opposition, but when someone calls you ignorant for a status (that was not directed at that person) that is too much. I encourage people to think before they comment. It just makes you look silly when you get all hot and bothered by a status update. If intelligent people want to have intelligent conversations, I'm game, but I refuse to be called names or argued with when I have done nothing wrong!

On the first occasion I had written as a status "Laura is wondering when america became a socialist nation. Sorry, I don't want to pay someone else's way because you want something for nothing."

Msg 1
Just to let you know I'm a democrat with a job that pays upwards of $15 dollars per hour and have a management position lined up after graduation starting at $60,000/year. Not so lazy!!! Typical Republican response, hide the truth by taking me off your friends list!!!

**note I will not post names**

My response
"I refuse to act like a liberal and continue the arguing. I don't care what you think. You don't like my status, fine, that's why it is my status NOT yours. I will NEVER agree that Barack Obama was a good choice. But I also find it interesting that so many people that voted for him were people that don't work, and I do realize that many people do work that voted for him. It isn't about money and it never has been. Wow my husband and I will be making $120,000+, big deal! That is irrelevant! My choice is just that, my choice. Your choice is, you guessed it, yours! So congratulations on your choice. Enjoy having Obama in office.

May God bless you and your family! I will be praying for our president and our country, because we can all agree that this country needs help.

Laura Caruso (R) Indiana

On the second occassion my status and I were called ignorant. I decided that I, 1. don't really know the person well (a cousin of someone I am an acqaintance of), and 2. refuse to be called names, so I removed her as a friend. Mind you I had never even said anything to this girl, and this came out of the blue. Today when I got home this message was waiting for me.

Her message:
Yes you are. I, as well as you, have the right to vote for whoever but not the right to criticize other people! Its called class, and you obviously don't have any. You are also extremely mature...deleting me as a friend? really, are you in middle school or what? A little advice in the future, keep ignorant thoughts to youself!

My response:
You are the one that commented on MY STATUS! So why don't you keep your ignorance to yourself. Grow up. If you call me ignorant you better expect to hear about it! It is my opinion, and the reason you are no longer on my friend list, is due to the fact that you are not mature enough to respect someone's opinion. So before you go accusing someone of having no class take a look at yourself. Let the record show that you were the FIRST to criticize. You have no argument here.

Laura Caruso (R) Indiana

There were several other messages from these people calling me a variety of names, that I will not post as they are incredibly offensive. I am sad and hurt (I actually cried when McCain gave his concession speech), but the truth is the people calling names and trying to start fights aren't helping their causes. They only make themselves look worse.

I am a Republican, I believe that babies have the right to be born, I believe that marriage is for 1 man and 1 woman. I believe the truths of the bible. I believe that even though this choice of presidents is not going to help further Christ's will, our Lord and Savior is still in control. He is the best, only leader that has the capacity to truly take care of me.

I am a Republican, through thick and thin. I will vote again in four years for another Republican (hopefully Mrs. Palin!). I pray that president elect Barack Obama will be changed by God, but if he is not I take solace in the fact that Obama isn't really my leader, my heavenly father is!

I pray that God will change the hearts and minds of the people that threw their values out the window because someone told them he could create change, except we haven't been told exactly what that change is. Or because Obama told them he could fix the economy.

Liberals are God's people as much as Conservatives. Please let's treat each other with a little respect, no matter the political view.

I have disabled comments for this post, as people on sites such as this have proven to be incapable of being responsible with their words. (no one on here in particular)