Woohoo! Michael & I have been married for two years today! As with last year, I will share some of the knowledge that I gained in year 2 of marriage:
*We are so close it is insane. I mean we seriously have the same thoughts, in the same words, at the same time.
*I realize daily that I am lucky. How many wives can say that their husband willingly takes out the garbage every night, does dishes without being asked, and encourages them to take week long vacations with her family?
*On vacation I went "out" with some friends. As much fun as it was hanging out with the girls, nothing is as much fun as sitting on the couch watching HGTV with Michael.
*Just to put it out there, my mom was right about everything in regards to housework.
*Cooking for Michael is very rewarding for both of us. He appreciates that I worked hard to prepare a meal that I would never dream of eating, and I like to see him enjoying a dinner that I made.
*I cannot cook without making a mess. The other day when I made stuffed peppers, I wish I had a picture of the kitchen. Then again, I would have never let anyone see it! Hat's off to TV cooks like Martha Stewart for keeping a clean cooking area!
*There is no such thing as a clean house. Seriously, it is an urban legend or something!
*In our house there is a coffee fairy & a water fairy! Somehow every night coffee is put in the coffee maker for Michael, and water is delivered to my nightstand in a cat-proof glass.
In our marriage I have made several goals for myself. They can sound a bit superficial, but bear with me as I think they are important, and after all it is
my blog.
Goal 1: I want to look my best for Michael. Men are visual people, and no man wants his colleague to look up and say who is that slob in sweatpants, and have to answer, Oh, that's my wife. I am no beauty queen, but when we go out with friends, or I stop by his job-site I want him to be proud to be my husband. Note, there is a difference between looking nice and looking trashy.
Goal 2: I never want Michael to feel like he can't invite a friend or colleague over because he is afraid the house will be a mess. I do the best to keep the house in decent order or at least have it that way by the time Michael comes home. Besides, I'm a stay at home cat mom that doesn't have a whole lot to do.
Goal 3: I make it my priority to get us out of the house for fun at least once a week. As fun as watching HGTV can be every couple needs to get out and have a little fun. It can be something as simple as going for a walk downtown (which is free) or taking in movie. It is important to keep life interesting.
Goal 4: We are two people with very different ideas of fun. I shop for fun, he builds/fixes/works on things for fun. While we value our together time, we both enjoy spending time on our hobbies. We do cross over and occasionally I "help" him work on things. He sometimes goes shopping with me. For the most part we do those activities on our own and schedule a "meet back here time". It keeps things even.
Goal 5: We do not go to bed mad. I might get upset about something and not talk about it all night, but before the nightstand lamp goes out we talk through the issue and do our best to resolve it.
Goal 6: Arguing, issue resolving, griping, and whining are not spectator sports. If one of us has a beef with the other we do our best not to discuss it in front of others. When outside opinions get brought in things tend to head south quickly. Besides, who wants to cause an awkward scene?
Goal 7: (by the way these aren't in order) We try to read the bible and pray together every night. This has gotten harder with Michael's early work schedule but that isn't an excuse! We both believe that the moment you take your eyes away from God, is when things tend to go awry.
These are a few things that have been working for us. I know that our marriage is just a baby right now, but these goals seem to make a lot of sense to us!
Again, everyone said to us on our wedding day "you think you're close now, wait til' you've been married awhile." We are closer than I could have even imagined last year! He is the salt to my pepper. We work together so well, and I couldn't picture life without him. He is my best friend! I don't think that I ever understood the word "soul mate" until recently. He is mine. He makes me a better, Christian, person, and woman. I am so thankful that God saw fit to unite us!