Crazy Caruso's do Chicago!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Awesome pet accessories!

We have quickly come to find some great new kitty tools. The pledge fur grabber as I call it is amazing at getting fur off of anything. We have a micro-fiber couch, as well as micro-fiber chairs. Templeton LOVES to sit on those chairs and this thing gets every piece of fur off!

This litter pan looks normal, huh? It is far from ordinary though. When one goes to clean it out, instead of scooping you roll it. The idea is you roll the top to the bottom. Then, roll it back to right side up and remove the tray that sits off to the side. The tray has the gross stuff in it. You simply pull the tray out and dump it. This litter pan was made for slightly OCD people such as myself. I will never have a normal litter pan again!

Right side up (sorry you can see kitty stuff in this pic)

Up side down

Remove tray and dump!

The best part is...I have not smelled anything gross as of yet!

1 comment:

Hers and His said...
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