Crazy Caruso's do Chicago!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

To my faithful readers...

I apologize for my lack of blogging. I'm going to attempt to make a go of it...again.

Let's start with some of the important things to know.

This past Spring Michael's mom, Debbie was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her spring and summer were all about chemo. She had an MRI taken yesterday and actually got some pretty good news. The tumor is gone. She will still require surgery and radiation therapy, but no tumor=good tumor.

Michael has a full time salaried position in Louisville witht the company that he interned with before we were married. We will not be going anywhere anytime soon.

We had started to look at houses when we suffered a significant setback, which we cannot discuss. It is still ongoing and we would love any prayers! As a result of this setback we are now looking into moving into an apartment in January.

My parents have been wonderful hosts but we REALLY need to move out! Please pray that all members of the household will maintain their sanity until we are able to move out, when I am sure that we will be sad and lonely b/c my parents won't be there.

I started back to school at IUS. I am currently 46 credit hours away from my Bachelor's in communication!!!!

In May Layla came into our lives! What a joy that little girl is!!!

Specific posts to follow!

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